A dynamic new dance show-with-a-difference, Red Hot and Ready builds on the acclaimed performance legacy created by Burn the Floor over more than two decades. The show brings together Strictly Come Dancing stars Dianne and Vito, with their incredible ability to deliver show-stopping performances, and a cast of multi-disciplined Burn the Floor dancers from around the world who are nothing short of spectacular, as well as sensational vocalists and live band.
Red Hot and Ready is the ultimate high-voltage dance extravaganza, exploding with jaw-dropping choreography, heart-pounding music and breath-taking moves, from seriously sexy to irresistibly charming, and celebrating the pure joy of dance.
Upcoming Shows - JUNE 2025
11-12 June
Theatre Severn
13-14 June
15 June
The Marlowe
17-18 June
Wyvern Theatre
19 June
Churchill Theatre
20-21 June
High Wycombe
Swan Theatre
22 June
Shaftesbury Theatre